GeckoLinux 423.180105 发布了,GeckoLinux 从 openSUSE 发行衍生而来,其特点是优雅性和面向桌面的开箱即用性。该发行的特色在于可从自启动运行光盘安装的多个桌面样式。openSUSE 的缺省安装中,有一些开源软件因受阻于专利而缺席,但它们被包含在了 GeckoLinux 中。
- Much smoother and more reliable startup
- Splash screen during live system startup
- Better hardware detection, especially Xorg startup with certain troublesome graphics cards
- No more entering passwords for the live session user account
- Live USB persistence – GeckoLinux can now be used as an excellent portable OS, not just as an installation medium
- Cleaner ISO build process and structure that is more in line with openSUSE
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/92224/geckolinux-423-180105-released