Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.7 已发布,Jackrabbit Oak 是一个可扩展、高性能分层次的内容资源库,可用作现代世界级网站和其他要求苛刻的内容应用程序的基础。
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.7 是一个补丁版本,其中包含对 Oak 1.6 的修复和改进。Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.x 系列是稳定的,推荐生产使用。
Sub-task [OAK-3262] - oak-jcr: update test exclusions once JCR-3901 is resolved Technical task [OAK-6716] - RDB*Store: update DB2 JDBC dependency to 4.19.66 [OAK-6811] - BasicDocumentStore: avoid use of API edge case in test of cache invalidation [OAK-6860] - RDB*Store: update Derby to release 10.14 [OAK-6903] - RDB*Store: update Tomcat JDBC pool dependency to 7.0.82 [OAK-6906] - RDB*Store: update Tomcat JDBC pool dependency to 8.5.23 (for branches compatible with Java 7) [OAK-6907] - RDB*Store: require ojdbc because of known issues in earlier versions [OAK-6985] - RDBDocumentStoreJDBC: remove unused parameter
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/91189/apache-jackrabbit-oak-1-6-7