
CodeMirror 5.31.0 发布,在线代码编辑器

CodeMirror 5.31.0 发布,在线代码编辑器

CodeMirror 5.31.0 已发布,CodeMirror 是一款“Online Source Editor”,基于 Javascript,短小精悍,实时在线代码高亮显示,它不是某个富文本编辑器的附属产品,而是许多大名鼎鼎的在线代码编辑器的基础库。


  • Further improve selection drawing and cursor motion in right-to-left documents.
  • vim bindings: Fix ctrl-w behavior, support quote-dot and backtick-dot marks, make the wide cursor visible in contentEditable input mode.
  • continuecomment addon: Fix bug when pressing enter after a single-line block comment.
  • markdown mode: Fix issue with leaving indented fenced code blocks.
  • javascript mode: Fix bad parsing of operators without spaces between them. Fix some corner cases around semicolon insertion and regexps.


  • Modes added with addOverlay now have access to a baseToken method on their input stream, giving access to the tokens of the underlying mode.


转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/89793/codemirror-5-31-0