Apache Solr 6.5.0 发布了。Apache Solr 是一个开源的搜索服务器。Solr 使用 Java 语言开发,主要基于 HTTP 和 Apache Lucene 实现。
- PointFields (fixed-width multi-dimensional numeric & binary types enabling fast range search) are now supported
- In-place updates to numeric docValues fields (single valued, non-stored, non-indexed) supported using atomic update syntax
- A new LatLonPointSpatialField that uses points or doc values for query
- It is now possible to declare a field as “large” in order to bypass the document cache
- New sow=false request param (split-on-whitespace) for edismax & standard query parsers enables query-time multi-term synonyms
- XML QueryParser (defType=xmlparser) now supports span queries hl.maxAnalyzedChars now have consistent default across highlighters
- UnifiedSolrHighlighter and PostingsSolrHighlighter now support
- CustomSeparatorBreakIterator
- Scoring formula is adjusted for the score
- Nodes functionCalcite Planner now applies constant Reduction Rules to optimize plans
- A new significantTerms Streaming Expression that is able to extract the significant terms in an index
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/83290/apache-solr-6-5-0-released