
Deno 1.23.0 发布

Deno 1.23.0 发布

1.23.0 / 2022.06.15

  • BREAKING: remove Intl.v8BreakIterator (#14864)
  • BREAKING: Remove unstable Deno.sleepSync (#14719)
  • Deno.exit() is an alias to self.close() in worker contexts (#14826)
  • feat(console): pass options and depth to custom inspects (#14855)
  • feat(ext/crypto): export elliptic keys as “raw” (#14764)
  • feat(ext/ffi): support passing and returning bigints (#14523)
  • feat(fmt): remove some unnecessary parens in types (#14841)
  • feat(fmt): support formatting cjs, cts, mjs, and mts files (#14837)
  • feat(ops): ‘hybrid’ ops – sync returning future (#14640)
  • feat(repl): Add key binding to force a new line (#14536)
  • feat(runtime/signal): implement SIGINT and SIGBREAK for windows (#14694)
  • feat(task): add --cwd flag for configuring the working directory (#14823)
  • feat(task): support redirects, cat, xargs (#14859)
  • feat(test): update test summary report (#14629)
  • feat(vendor): support using an existing import map (#14836)
  • feat: make Child.kill argument optional (#14669)
  • feat: no type-check by default (#14691)
  • feat: update to TypeScript 4.7 (#14242)
  • feat(web): enable deflate-raw compression format (#14863)
  • fix(check): use “moduleDetection”: “force” (#14875)
  • fix(cli): add config flag to deno info (#14706)
  • fix(console): constrol inspect() indent with option (#14867)
  • fix(url): properly indent when inspecting URLs (#14867)
  • upgrade: v8 (#14874)