
Mongoose 6.3.1发布

Mongoose 6.3.1发布

perf: improve perf of key order #11639 Uzlopak

fix(timestamps): set createdAt when creating new single nested subdocuments #11603

fix: improve CastError message when throwing StrictModeError #11506

fix: upgrade bson to match mongodb@4.5 #11676

fix(populate): avoid populating single nested subdocs underneath arrays if there’s no ref #11538

fix: handle { capped: number } in schema definition with createCollection() #11539

fix: call markModified before setting changes in Array and in DocumentArray methods #11660 josegl

fix: only allow using minus path to remove auto-selected discriminatorKey from projection #11546

fix(types): set context on virtual getters/setters by default #11543

fix(types): correct return type for Connection.prototype.transaction #9919

fix(types): allow model as document interface key when using extends Document #11629

docs: improve populate typing #11690 onichandame

docs: add information regarding typings-tests #11691 Uzlopak

docs: fix jsdoc for mongoose.createConnection #11693 Uzlopak