
TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜

April Headline: MATLAB about to drop out of the top 20

Good old MATLAB is about to drop out of the top 20 for the first time in more than 10 years. The MATLAB programming language is mainly used in the numerical analysis domain. It is often combined with Simulink models, which are from the same MathWorks company. Although MATLAB has a biannual release cycle, the language doesn’t evolve that much. And since MATLAB licenses are rather expensive, alternatives are catching up quickly now. Its main competitors are Python (currently number 1) and Julia (moving from position 32 to position 26 this month). —Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software

The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.

Apr 2022 Apr 2021 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 3 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Python 13.92% +2.88%
2 1 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 C 12.71% -1.61%
3 2 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Java 10.82% -0.41%
4 4 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 C++ 8.28% +1.14%
5 5 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 C# 6.82% +1.91%
6 6 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Visual Basic 5.40% +0.85%
7 7 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 JavaScript 2.41% -0.03%
8 8 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Assembly language 2.35% +0.03%
9 10 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 SQL 2.28% +0.45%
10 9 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 PHP 1.64% -0.19%
11 16 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 R 1.55% +0.44%
12 12 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Delphi/Object Pascal 1.18% -0.29%
13 14 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Go 1.09% -0.14%
14 15 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Swift 1.00% -0.19%
15 13 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Ruby 0.88% -0.35%
16 11 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Classic Visual Basic 0.83% -0.71%
17 23 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Objective-C 0.82% +0.15%
18 18 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Perl 0.79% -0.21%
19 37 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Lua 0.78% +0.45%
20 19 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 MATLAB 0.74% -0.25%
Ratings (%)PythonCJavaC++C#Visual BasicJavaScriptAssembly languageSQLPHP20022004200620082010201220142016201820202022051015202530TIOBE Programming Community IndexSource: www.tiobe.com

Other programming languages

The complete top 50 of programming languages is listed below. This overview is published unofficially, because it could be the case that we missed a language. If you have the impression there is a programming language lacking, please notify us at tpci@tiobe.com. Please also check the overview of all programming languages that we monitor.

Position Programming Language Ratings
21 SAS 0.74%
22 Prolog 0.74%
23 (Visual) FoxPro 0.70%
24 Scratch 0.66%
25 COBOL 0.55%
26 Julia 0.48%
27 Kotlin 0.47%
28 Rust 0.44%
29 Ada 0.37%
30 Lisp 0.37%
31 Fortran 0.35%
32 Groovy 0.35%
33 VBScript 0.32%
34 PL/SQL 0.28%
35 D 0.26%
36 Scala 0.26%
37 Haskell 0.25%
38 Dart 0.23%
39 Transact-SQL 0.22%
40 PowerShell 0.20%
41 Simulink 0.17%
42 Awk 0.16%
43 TypeScript 0.16%
44 ABAP 0.16%
45 Tcl 0.16%
46 RPG 0.15%
47 LabVIEW 0.15%
48 Logo 0.15%
49 Clojure 0.15%
50 Bash 0.14%

The Next 50 Programming Languages

The following list of languages denotes #51 to #100. Since the differences are relatively small, the programming languages are only listed (in alphabetical order).

  • ABC, Apex, AutoIt, bc, BCPL, Bourne shell, CFML, CL (OS/400), Clipper, CLIPS, Crystal, cT, DCL, Elm, Erlang, EXEC, F#, GML, GNU Octave, Hack, Icon, IDL, Inform, Io, J#, Ladder Logic, LiveCode, LPC, MDX, Mercury, ML, MQL4, MUMPS, NATURAL, Oberon, OCaml, OpenEdge ABL, PostScript, Pure Data, Q, Racket, REXX, Ring, S-PLUS, Scheme, Smalltalk, Snap!, SPARK, Stata, Vala/Genie

This Month’s Changes in the Index

This month the following changes have been made to the definition of the index:

  • There are lots of mails that still need to be processed. As soon as there is more time available your mail will be answered. Please be patient.

Very Long Term History

To see the bigger picture, please find below the positions of the top 10 programming languages of many years back. Please note that these are average positions for a period of 12 months.

Programming Language 2022 2017 2012 2007 2002 1997 1992 1987
Python 1 5 8 7 12 28
C 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Java 3 1 1 1 1 13
C++ 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 5
C# 5 4 4 8 15
Visual Basic 6 15
JavaScript 7 7 10 9 9 20
Assembly language 8 10
PHP 9 6 5 5 8
SQL 10 33
Prolog 24 33 40 26 23 19 15 3
Lisp 32 31 13 14 10 10 11 2
Pascal 270 98 14 20 21 8 3 6
(Visual) Basic 7 4 4 3 6 4

There are 2 important remarks here:

  1. There is a difference between “Visual Basic” and “(Visual) Basic” in the table above. Until 2010, “(Visual) Basic” referred to all possible dialects of Basic, including Visual Basic. After some discussion, it has been decided to split “(Visual) Basic” into all its dialects such as Visual Basic .NET, Classic Visual Basic, PureBasic, and Small Basic, just to name a few. Since Visual Basic .NET has become the major implementation of Visual Basic, it is now called “Visual Basic”.
  2. The programming language SQL has not been in the TIOBE index for a long time. In 2018, somebody pointed out that SQL is Turing Complete. From that moment on, SQL is part of the TIOBE index. So although this language is very old, it has only a short history in the index.

Programming Language Hall of Fame

The hall of fame listing all “Programming Language of the Year” award winners is shown below. The award is given to the programming language that has the highest rise in ratings in a year.

Year Winner
2021 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Python
2020 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Python
2019 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 C
2018 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Python
2017 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 C
2016 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Go
2015 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Java
2014 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 JavaScript
2013 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Transact-SQL
2012 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Objective-C
2011 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Objective-C
2010 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Python
2009 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Go
2008 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 C
2007 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Python
2006 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Ruby
2005 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 Java
2004 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 PHP
2003 TIOBE 2022年4月排行榜 C++

Bugs & Change Requests

This is the top 5 of most requested changes and bugs. If you have any suggestions how to improve the index don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to tpci@tiobe.com.

  1. Apart from “<language> programming”, also other queries such as “programming with <language>”, “<language> development” and “<language> coding” should be tried out.
  2. Add queries for other natural languages (apart from English). The idea is to start with the Chinese search engine Baidu. This has been implemented partially and will be completed the next few months.
  3. Add a list of all search term requests that have been rejected. This is to minimize the number of recurring mails about Rails, JQuery, JSP, etc.
  4. Start a TIOBE index for databases, software configuration management systems and application frameworks.
  5. Some search engines allow to query pages that have been added last year. The TIOBE index should only track those recently added pages.

转自 index | TIOBE – The Software Quality Company