The Gradle team is excited to announce Gradle 7.4.1.
This is the first patch release for Gradle 7.4.
It fixes the following issues:
- #14536 Applying Build Scan Plugin (–scan) cause the following error ‘Cannot mutate content repository descriptor ‘Gradle Central Plugin Repository’ after repository has been used’
- #19710 Configuration cache captures system property value set by the build logic causing no cache hits afterward
- #19837 Dependency resolution hangs with IDEA parallel model fetch
- #19852 plugins resolution from settings convention plugin [possible regression]
- #19853 Type-safe dependency accessors are reported as an incubating feature despite version catalog stabilization
- #19868 CLI options fail with “linked to multiple elements in class” error when inherited from interface and defined in class
- #19955 test-aggregation-plugin and jacoco-aggregation-plugin should eagerly configure objects
- #19990 7.4 regression: exclusiveContent in buildscript doesn’t work with plugins {} block
- #20001 Failure with configuration cache: Could not find build ‘buildSrc’
This release also documents a security advisory that was fixed in Gradle 7.4 already.
We recommend users upgrade to 7.4.1 instead of 7.4.